On Sunday, September 20, the Province of British Columbia announced a new sales program that aims to benefit cannabis producers and Indigenous businesses which comes into effect in 2022. See their news release here.

Some Co-op Members appeared in the news to provide their expertise and weigh in on the announcement.

Sophie Mas, a founding Co-op Member, spoke to the Globe and Mail.

“It’s a great step in the right direction, however, you need farmers to be licensed for these programs to be effective. There are still a lot of people who are relying on the illicit market to make their purchases.”

Kyle Neilsen, a medicinal grower and Co-op Member, spoke to Global News. He said that if he were licensed as a craft commercial operation he would be able to hire six people and turn it into a functioning business. Co-op Board Member, Jessika Villano, added that “we have thousands of micro-growers ready to transition, but they haven’t had any support from any level of government.”