Each month we feature a selection of our Co-op Members and Supporters. They live the Co-op’s mission and demonstrate the innovate nature of the independent entrepreneurs that make up BC’s highly skilled craft cannabis sector.
Living in the Kootenays, Clay has worked in BC’s cannabis production industry for 12+ years on a wide range of projects, including the edited collection “Cannabis in Canada” and development of a cannabis appellations program for BC. He is a Ph.D. Candidate for Industrial Cannabis / Agriculture Research at McMaster University and serves on the CJLY Community Co-Op Radio Board in Nelson.
Describing his research, Clay says, “My work concerns the social life of cannabis, and while that may seem a confusing claim, consider how cannabis is talked about in media accounts, how people identify with particular strains or consumption methods, how cannabis farmers talk about what they do and why it is important. Tracking all this conversation is challenging, yet rewarding research. It’s like reading history at the very moment it transforms into historical fact.”
After serving on Boards for more than three years, Clay says his experience taught him that it is a serious commitment. “You show up, having read the agenda and reports prior to meetings, with questions and concerns. Your vigilance is critical to the operation.”
Clay added, “recruiting legacy producers in BC that are not members of the Co-Op will be a top priority. This population is significant.”