The BC Craft Farmers Co-op Board of Directors is pleased to notify members that our 2021 Annual General Meeting will take place Saturday, June 12, 2021. With the current public health orders in place, the meeting will be held virtually as we did for our founding meeting last year.

Membership: To be eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting, you must be a paid BCCFC Member in good standing as of May 12, 2021.

Board Nominations: At the AGM, BCCFC Members will have an opportunity to elect Directors to lead the organization over the next two years. This is an exciting opportunity to help drive our positive movement forward!

In this light, we are pleased to invite BCCFC Members to consider putting your name forward for Board positions. The deadline for Board nominations is June 5, 2021. APPLY HERE

We plan to host a virtual town hall meeting for members and candidates on Tuesday, June 8. Other opportunities will be organized in the week leading up to the AGM.

Our Board application portal will be officially opened this week. In the meantime, please contact our Assistant Secretary directly at the link below if you are interested in running for a Board position or have any questions.